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diversify your farm with holiday letting

Earn £35k per year by Diversifying your Farm Through Holiday Letting

Perhaps it’s time to transform that old barn into a charming retreat, or use your empty land to set up glamping pods for a unique holiday…

school farm visit

AHDB expands school farm visit programme after successful pilot

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is increasing the number of places available to new host farmers for its school farm…

increase your farm marketing with Facebook Groups

How to leverage Facebook groups as part of your farm marketing

Using Facebook groups to increase your farm brand awareness and reach new customers can be a hugely effective farm marketing strategy. However,…


market your glamping site through instagram reels

Using Instagram Reels to market your glamping site

Instagram can be a very effective platform for some businesses, particularly those that sell…

EV Charging station for public use

EV Charging: How businesses can make money 24 hours a day

The online calculator created by clean energy company egg shows the potential revenue UK…

farmers enjoyed day off at arable event 2024

Farmers enjoy day away from stresses at the 2024 Arable Event

Farmers and industry specialists took a break from their daily challenges to enjoy a day of…

meat box farm diversification business

5 things to consider before launching your meat box business

The most common farm diversification option for any meat-producing livestock farmer is a meat…

top blogs for your farm diversification business

17 blogs to write for your farm diversification business

Writing blogs for your website is one of the best and easiest ways to improve your online…

wrought iron and brass bed co wool bedding duvet

Wool’s Untapped Opportunity: Wrought Iron and Brass Bed Co.’s British Wool Bedding

Is British wool wasted?

It’s no secret many farmers choose to burn or bury their wool…

uk nuffield scholars on the plane for nuffield farming scholarship

Half Time on the Nuffield Farming Scholarship

Half Time on the Nuffield Farming Scholarship, Written By David Tavernor, Owner of…